Author: Elena Chira

  • 6 Plugins to Create Stylish Tables in WordPress

    6 Plugins to Create Stylish Tables in WordPress

    Gutenberg, the WordPress visual editor, provides a good solution to one of the previous editor’s flaws. Creating a table without the help of a plugin before Gutenberg was pretty awkward. The visual editor has enabled users to insert tables, but you still have to use plugins to create stylish tables in WordPress. Tables break down…

  • 15 WordPress Themes for Creators to Keep an Eye on

    15 WordPress Themes for Creators to Keep an Eye on

    Even though we are nearing the middle of the year, 2020 has been and will continue to be a huge turning point for a plethora of businesses. Sadly, some of them will disappear, but others will enter the market. Periods of crisis have an unexpected positive aspect: weak businesses vanish, while solid ones grow. The…

  • 10 WordPress Themes for Cryptocurrency Projects

    10 WordPress Themes for Cryptocurrency Projects

    Blockchain technology has attracted the attention of more and more investors—some small entrepreneurs, and some huge financial companies. Indeed, there is a lot of hype around it because investors have earned good profits by speculating Bitcoin’s price variations. Still, cryptocurrency isn’t only about Bitcoin and financial speculation. It has tremendous potential, and you might be…

  • 6 Security Plugins to Lock Down Your Site

    6 Security Plugins to Lock Down Your Site

    Are you tired of reading articles about strengthening your site security? Do you think that it’s redundant to learn new tips and tools for locking down your site? Do you believe that security plugins are useless? It’s common to ignore site security. Lots of webmasters do it. But just because many people follow a path…

  • Cashless Payments: The Future of Transactions

    Cashless Payments: The Future of Transactions

    Amazon Go was founded in January 2018. And it has marked the beginning of a new era. The era where people no longer need to bring cash to purchase something. The era of contactless payment. Some people call it “tap-and-go”.  As of 2019, Amazon Go has opened 18 stores across the U.S. Sooner or later,…

  • 10 Tips to Get the Most from Gmail [2019 Edition]

    10 Tips to Get the Most from Gmail [2019 Edition]

    If you’ve read two or three articles featuring productivity hacks, you know that not checking your email first thing in the morning is a priority. The harsh reality is that many people do so frequently. A survey of 1,000 Americans revealed that 55% of people check their email less than an hour after waking up.…

  • 10 Stellar Gutenberg – Optimized Themes for Your Projects

    10 Stellar Gutenberg – Optimized Themes for Your Projects

    The Gutenberg editor was the hype of early 2019, and endless armies of developers have expressed their opinions about it. Clearly, the new visual editor is the most transformative change in many years. Willing or not, both theme developers and average users should adapt to the new paradigm. A few months after Gutenberg stole the…

  • Design Principles for Crafting a Stellar Site

    Design Principles for Crafting a Stellar Site

    A decade ago, many internet users impatiently checked out Smashing Magazine to read the latest web design articles. Lots of actual web designers found their passion for website creation through these posts. It was a time when the principles of web design determined a productive debate amongst designers—both beginners and experts. Nowadays, there are significantly…

  • 8 Google Analytics Tips for Intermediate WordPress Users

    8 Google Analytics Tips for Intermediate WordPress Users

    Google Analytics is the most used analytics tool by a huge margin. It provides a massive amount of data to get a better search ranking. It’s not the most user-friendly product ever created, but even less-experienced users can extract actionable data at first sight. You will enjoy using it once you get more experienced. Google…