Hosting Features

You deserve to know what you’re paying for.

At Simplenet, you’ll enjoy all the essential features you need to manage your WordPress websites.

Office work
Happy Customer

easy-to-use control panel

Manage your WordPress websites quickly and easily with our user-friendly control panel.

Site Management

Install WordPress, clone websites, install themes and plugins, configure settings, update and manage multiple WordPress installations.

Team Management

Invite collaborators and assign roles, making it easy for your team members to contribute and manage specific websites.

Logs & Stats

You can monitor activity logs and access visitor analytics directly from our control panel.


Connect your Cloudflare account to sync DNS. Receive website and user notifications as Slack messages.


Enjoy lightning-fast load times for your WordPress websites and increase user satisfaction.

Powerful Hardware

Harness the power of cutting-edge hardware, featuring AMD EPYC CPUs and enterprise-grade NVMe storage.

Optimized Stack

Benefit from our performant stack, which includes free Redis Object Cache, Nginx web server, and MariaDB database server.

WordPress Cache

Accelerate your website’s performance with server-level caching, minimizing load times and enhancing user experience.


Limiting the number of websites on each node ensures enhanced stability, reliability, and performance.

Working on website
Secure websites

Built-in security

Protect your WordPress websites from potential threats with our advanced security features.

Containerized Websites

Each website operates in isolated Docker containers to protect against vulnerabilities and cross-contamination, maintaining a secure hosting environment.

Login Lockdown

With a few clicks in our dashboard, you can restrict access to your website’s wp-login page by allowing only specific IPs.

Free SSL Certificates

Automatically provision free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates or add your custom certificate. With one click, force a website’s traffic to redirect to HTTPS.

Automatic Updates

You can configure websites to update only to minor versions or always to the latest version. You can turn auto-updates on and off on a per-plugin and per-theme basis.

expert wordpress support

Since 2007, we’ve helped thousands of website owners tackle their WordPress problems.

Real Support

Our focus is customer satisfaction, not manipulating KPIs to look good in corporate quarterly reports.

Free Migrations

Let us handle the transfer of your WordPress site from your current provider at no cost to you.

Money-Back Guarantee

If we ever fall short of your expectations, rest assured that we are more than happy to issue a full refund.


Access valuable guides, video tutorials, and troubleshooting tips quickly and easily with our extensive knowledge base.

Tech support
Automated Backups

automated daily backups

With automated backups and easy restoration options, managing your website’s backups has never been simpler.

Daily Backups

Our cloud platform features a powerful incremental website backup system configured for automated daily backups.

Easy Restore

You can recover your website from any restore point from the last 30 days with two clicks.

On-demand Backups

Generate on-demand complete website backups from our simple and easy-to-use control panel at the click of a button.

Custom Restore

You can restore individual databases or just the website’s files and folders.

Features included in all plans

Everything your WordPress websites need.


Performant cloud servers with powerful AMD EPYC processors and fast NVMe SSD storage. You can choose from 35+ global locations.


We use a minimalist stack that is focused on performance and security with Nginx, Redis, MariaDB, PHP8, and Cloudflare integration on demand.


We can guarantee 99,95% monthly availability for our managed WordPress hosting solution, but we consistently achieve 100%.


Our web hosting solution is built specifically for WordPress websites, you cannot host other apps on our WordPress hosting plans.

Free Migration

Effortless migration, no extra costs, no hassle. We take care of moving your WordPress site from your current provider free of charge.

Easy Management

From our control panel, you can manage your files, database, backups, SSL certificates, caching, FTP accounts and more.

Automated Backups

We try to minimise data loss to zero with daily backups of your WordPress instance. You can restore quickly from our control panel.

PHP Versions

To maximise compatibility with themes and plugins, we use version 7.4 by default, but you can switch PHP to version 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3.


If you need help, you can ask us for assistance by just sending an email or by opening a support ticket from the customer area. We usually respond in less than 10 minutes.


Each site is isolated on its own container where industry best practices for security are applied.

Cron jobs

To automate certain commands, you can create cron jobs from our control panel.

Free SSL

You get free auto-renewing SSL certificates from Let’s Encrypt, or you can bring your own certificate.

Nginx Cache

From our dashboard, you can activate server-level full page caching with Nginx FastCGI Cache.

Redis Cache

You can activate Redis from the dashboard, and install the Redis Object Cache plugin to benefit from Redis.

Need more?

If you need more information about our managed WordPress hosting solution, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Frequently asked questions about managed WordPress hosting.

If you do not find answers to all your questions, you can contact us, and we will answer you as soon as possible with all the information you want.

What is managed WordPress hosting?

Managed WordPress hosting is a web hosting solution where only one WordPress website is hosted in a container on a cloud server that is set up with a minimalist high-performance stack. We manage the stack, clients manage their WordPress website.

How much traffic can your WordPress hosting handle?

These kinds of estimates are difficult to make because they depend on many aspects like type of traffic, databases, plugins, quality of code, etc. We cannot guarantee a certain level of traffic, but from our experience, they can handle quite the load.

Is WordPress hosting exclusive for WordPress?

Technically you can host any PHP app on our plans, but we choose to focus on WordPress, and we cannot offer support for other apps.

How many PHP workers do you offer?

Each website can scale up to 25 PHP workers. If your website needs more, please contact us, and we can set up a custom plan for you.

What are PHP workers, and why do they matter?

A PHP worker is a computing process that runs the PHP code of your WordPress site.

In the context of web hosting, PHP is single-threaded, so WordPress, being a PHP application, is also single-threaded. This means that each WordPress request (a visit) is handled by a single PHP worker using a single CPU core.

The advantage of having multiple PHP workers is that it can allow the site to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. Essentially, the more there are, the higher the level of traffic that can be supported.

Why not have unlimited workers then?

Because workers are not the only variable in the equation. PHP workers + the other variables: CPU, memory and workload (PHP code efficiency), all need to be in harmony when it comes to properly sizing a hosting stack.

PHP code efficiency is most important. Increasing the other three can allow you to do more slow and inefficient tasks at the same time, but without any effect on performance (how quickly those tasks are completed).

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

Yes, you can request the cancellation of your service within 14 days, and we will refund the money. Exceptions are for domain registrations, which are not refundable.

What are the payment methods?

You can pay via Stripe with your card or make a bank transfer. When making bank transfers, please submit in the payment details field the pro forma number.

Do you charge VAT/sales tax?

Prices listed on our website do not include VAT or other taxes. Tax will be added to your invoice as a separate line item.

If your company is registered in EU VIES, you can add your VAT number at checkout, and VAT will not be added to your invoice if the VAT number is valid.

Where can I host my website?

We currently offer managed WordPress hosting in the following locations: Germany, The Netherlands, the US West, the US East, and the UK.

If you need hosting in a different area of the US or a different country, please contact us. In twenty minutes, we can spin up a new cloud server in any of the 42 available cloud locations, and you can launch your website in that desired location.

Can I host WordPress Multisite?

Unfortunately, we don’t support the use of WordPress Multisite on our hosting plans.

Is email included?

No. Email hosting is a whole other product and can be quite tricky to get right with all the spam, bots, filters, blocklists, IP reputation management, etc. so we leave that to the pros.

If you just need to be able to receive emails for your domains, Email Forwarding might be the most cost-effective method. Cloudflare has a free tier that includes email forwarding. We can help you set it up.

If you need to send email, we recommend using specialised email providers such as Google Workspace or Outlook 365, as they are the most reliable.

Transactional emails: You must set up a transactional email service for WordPress emails, such as form submissions or password resets. A plugin like Fluent SMTP can connect services such as Sendgrid, Amazon SES, Postmark, Mailgun, and more.

Is DNS hosting included?

Yes. We offer DNS hosting, and we also have a Cloudflare integration. This integration enables you to automatically synchronise DNS records with Cloudflare for one or more of the domains in your organisation.

Is cPanel included?

No, our managed WordPress hosting does not include cPanel. cPanel is used for traditional all-in-one generic hosting, while our solution is specialized WordPress hosting. You will have access to our Simplenet control panel focused on easy website management.

How long does it take to activate my WordPress hosting account?

The account is activated immediately upon payment and the credentials are sent to your email.