We are a small and independent team of WordPress experts.

Our mission is to help small & medium businesses grow their online presence on a rock-solid foundation.

Simplenet Hosting

Highly professional, knowledgeable support that really listens.
Lilly P.


Impeccable technical support, it’s a pleasure to work with this team.
Alexandra A.


Excellent WordPress hosting. Great services, great support, great price.
Jonas K.


Excellent support and services, no problem remains unresolved!
Corina F.


Our team.

Our team is based in the EU and we work remotely.

Andrei Chira

Andrei Chira

Elena Chira

Elena Chira

Radu Spătaru

Radu Spătaru



Our values.

Simplenet is trusted by thousands of paying customers. We are completely independent, self-funded and bootstrapped. We are funded solely by the money that our customers pay us. We are not interested in raising funds or taking investment. We are small and ok with it.


We’ve been working online since 2001, launched in 2007, discovered WordPress in 2009, and since 2012, been focused on WordPress services.


We learned WordPress for us and our websites. We know the challenges you’re going through because we’ve been through them too.


We don’t do everything for everyone. We focus on providing services where we know we can add value to your website and business.


We are a small and independent team of WordPress experts. We are not owned by investment funds.


Our focus is customer satisfaction, not manipulating KPIs to look good in corporate quarterly reports.

Learn & share

We are always up to date with the WordPress ecosystem, constantly learning and sharing knowledge.

Honest service

No marketing hype. No unlimited, the fastest, the best hosting. You get fair and sustainable services backed by WordPress experts.

Decent pricing

There is no such thing as free; only nothingness costs nothing. With Simplenet, you get fair value pricing without fine print tricks.

Real support

We make it our mission to help and educate people, and to give them freedom to create and grow online in the spirit of open source and WordPress.

How can we help?

Since 2007 we’ve helped thousands of website owners tackle their WordPress problems.


Does your WordPress website need to handle more traffic without crashing?


Do you need a malware cleanup for your WordPress website?


Want to know what’s going on with your website?


Do you want your website to load faster and pass the Core Web Vitals tests?


Do you want to get rid of the technical side and focus on the business?

Technical SEO

Do you want better results in Google searches?