Author: Elena Chira

  • Why and How to Learn MySQL as a WordPress Developer

    Why and How to Learn MySQL as a WordPress Developer

    Let’s suppose that you have good knowledge of HTML and CSS, and you understand almost any PHP snippet. Besides, JavaScript isn’t strange to you. At this stage, it’s natural to ask yourself if you are a WordPress developer. However, before this question, you should have a clear answer to another issue—is the title “WordPress developer”…

  • Web 3.0 – Expectations, Truths, and Myths

    Web 3.0 – Expectations, Truths, and Myths

    Are you bored with millions of articles preaching the unbelievable benefits of Web 3.0? Do you think that the world is crazy to pay millions of dollars on non-fungible tokens (NFT) that have no real value? Are you confused that everyone talks about decentralization, but only a few are aware that WordPress is expected to reach…

  • Prepare Your SEO Strategy for 2022 – Key Updates

    Prepare Your SEO Strategy for 2022 – Key Updates

    Thanks to Google’s never-ending process of algorithm refinement, your SEO strategy is always incomplete or partly outdated.  Google truly changed the ranking algorithm in 2021. SEO experts have had to work hard to keep up with all of these changes.   Under these circumstances, preparing your SEO strategy for 2022 is a huge challenge. Google might…

  • 10 Worth Reading Newsletters for Developers

    10 Worth Reading Newsletters for Developers

    It’s essential to keep yourself informed of the latest news in the development space, despite being a wannabe or a part-time developer. You risk your career by not learning new languages, frameworks, and best practices. Everything is changing fast in web development, and you have to permanently keep the same rhythm. Time is limited for…

  • 10 Great YouTube Channels for Developers

    10 Great YouTube Channels for Developers

    You can learn coding from the comfort of your home, at your own pace, without attending any school – that’s for sure. In fact, many good developers learned coding by themselves. While traditional schools remain a reliable method to pursue a career as a programmer, the Internet has become a much-appreciated alternative. Thankfully, you have countless…

  • Time Management for Beginners: How to Do More in Less Time

    Time Management for Beginners: How to Do More in Less Time

    Is there any need for another article about time management for beginners? The Internet is full of online courses, YouTube videos, and blog posts related to time management. A new article is redundant – bloggers and experts have already covered everything in this area. So why did we published a new article? First, there’s no…

  • WordPress vs. Online Website Builder: What’s Right for You?

    WordPress vs. Online Website Builder: What’s Right for You?

    Building a website isn’t a “task” anymore. It is simple, affordable, and fast.  Just fire up your laptop or PC and pick a website building tool. A couple of clicks here, and a couple of keystrokes there, and there you go. You’ve made a website for yourself.  Now, you see how building a website isn’t…

  • 10 Tools to Improve Your Site Accessibility

    10 Tools to Improve Your Site Accessibility

    Too many people consider that site accessibility falls under the miscellaneous category when it’s about the must-have features of a site. Regardless of the CMSs used, responsiveness and speed are considerably more important than accessibility for most users. It’s totally understandable to search for responsive and speed-optimized themes, but it’s not acceptable to ignore the…

  • Top 5 Best WordPress Plugins in 2021

    Top 5 Best WordPress Plugins in 2021

    WordPress is undoubtedly the best free website builder. How else would you explain the fact that one in every three websites is built using WordPress?, an open-source CMS, lets users create websites of any type and size, and all this without coding know-how or website building experience. How?  Well, WordPress plugins are behind most…